Monday 8 May 2017

A Checklist for Analyzing Images

Source of image: here

1. The design of this advertisement is quiet and understated. There are no bright colours that would express motion or life. This advertisement is more cutting edge than it is old-fashioned because the close up on the woman's face makes the advertisement a whole lot simpler and more focused.

2. The woman's eyes on the advertisement are what catch your eye first. Then you see the search bar covering her mouth that intrigues you to read more. I would say at first glance this image is beautiful, but once you look a little longer and read even one line, you understand that this advertisement is really pointing out the grotesqueness of humanity in this day and age.

3. The audience for this advertisement is mostly men who don't see women as equals. The woman in the advertisement is also wearing a hijab which hints at the fact of women in less developed countries still experiencing sexism and oppression. This advertisement makes more of an emotional appeal than a logical one with its content. The google search format does suggest that they are trying a more logical point of view, but once you start reading it is easy to realize what the message is.

4. Yes this image does appeal to our emotions. This advertisement makes us feel sorrow, helplessness, and guilt for the woman on the cover. We feel sorrow and helplessness for the woman because we can see in her face that she needs help and just wants to be treated like an equal, yet we do nothing about it. That is also why we feel guilt. Seeing an advertisement like this really wakes us up and tells us to stop ignoring the fact that WOMEN ARE STILL NOT TREATED AS EQUALS. 

5. Yes this ad is making an ethical appeal. It digs at our good character as human beings to feel shitty about what our world is still like today. They make us realize what is still going on in the world and that it isn't right.

6. The text definitely does most of the work by explaining exactly what message we are trying to get across in the advertisement. However, not only does the image attract us to the text, it also points out the fact that women in developing countries still face massive sexism, with the use of a hijab.

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