Friday 28 April 2017

Appealing to Your Audience

Source of advertisement: here

1. Who is the speaker of this advertisement?
The Canadian Coalition for Influenza Immunization is the speaker of this ad. I know this because their name is plastered right on the picture.

2. Who is the speaker's intended audience?
The intended audience is every person who is of age to get a flu shot.

3. How do I know who the audience is?
I know that the speaker trying to target all persons because in the photo on the advertisement, there are people of all ages represented. It is also important for people to get the flu shot not only so that they will not get the flu, but also so that they will not spread the flu virus.

4. How has the audience influenced the speaker's choice of argumentative strategies?
Because the audience includes all persons, the advertisement chose to use a logical strategy to scare people into getting the flu shot. They use logic reasons in their first sentence by threatening death and serious illness. Obviously people would feel scared by this, which makes the advertisement successful.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Advertisement Reading

Here is the advertisement I chose to examine: Mr. Clean

1. The audience this advertisement is targeting is lonely, heterosexual housewives. I can tell because they have a woman as the main actress and they are using Mr. Clean to add human sexuality to the advertisement. The advertisers are assuming that the women they are targeting are stay at home moms/wives.

2. This is a populist advertisement because everyone can buy soap and almost everyone uses soap and cleaning products on a daily basis. The traditions this advertisement relies on is home life and the idea of women not working during the day, therefore being lonely while her husband and kids are at school and work.

3. My prior knowledge of these cleaning products is that they come in many different forms including sprays, sponges, and mops. I also know that these products do well with heavy dirt and grime. My prior knowledge of the advertisement is knowing that Mr. Clean is the face of those cleaning materials. I also know that Mr. Clean is a bald man who always dresses in white to really show how clean he is. Knowing that Mr. Clean is the face of this product makes it a whole lot easier to understand that this isn't just some random man in the lady's kitchen. The clean and plain look of Mr. Clean also helps you understand that they are advertising a cleaning product.

4. This advertisement is designed to use human sexuality to seduce housewives into buying the product. It plays on the lonely emotions of a housewife and the desire for her husband to clean the house. It also commodifies the desire for her husband to take initiative and not have to be told what to do.

5. The unstated message that this ad is conveying is "If you buy this cleaning product, not only will your husband start cleaning, he will also look sexy doing it." It employs the themes of human sexuality, loneliness, and cleanliness. This ad is telling us that in American culture human sexuality can be used to sell anything, even cleaning products.


How do media, propaganda, and advertisements affect me? Well, probably much more then I think. There's the obvious influence from pop culture and mass media that tend to shape the kind of person you are while growing up. An example of this is the thousands of fads and trends that young people like us see all over social media. But, getting into some more advanced stuff that affects outside our immediate world, we also see so much news that can change our world view. Twitter is an excellent example of this as we see articles and news blasts about Donald Trump and his absolutely ridiculous notions in America. Canadian news tends to make him look like a complete idiot, which I believe he is. I strongly believe he is. But on the contrary, American news tries to justify his actions by wording their articles correctly to get the American people on their side. It makes sense that they would do this for Americans as the government is going to need the generals population to back them up in their decisions. But anyway, back to the actual questions. How am I affected? I would say my view on America is tarnished from all of the bad news I've seen about that hell hole. I don't even know if half the stuff I read is true but it doesn't matter, I still just do not like Americans or their country.

About the documentary we just watched, something like North Korean propaganda, I really don't know what to believe. I think that both sides of the story are lying or at least exaggerating many things they state as true. I believe that North Korea is not a nice place to be and that their culture/government is ran in a very non-progressive way despite what they may say. But, I also think that the U.S. and other countries are exaggerating and making up lies to really deteriorate the country and make it seem like fresh hell.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Film Making

Hmmmm, what can I say about making my own film. It was an experience. My shots were obviously very choppy and did not flow in the least, but, I did it. Of course I chose to rip off my most favourite movie ever, Dirty Dancing. I honestly thought I did not bad for a 5 minute remake of the movie.

The hardest part of making this movie, was probably the fact that I didn't get to work with real-life Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey. But I think the actors I chose did well.

The best part about making this movie was getting to see the chemistry unfold between the two main actors. Some of the shots they had to film exposed them in a whole new way that allowed them to open up to one another.

In the end, my movie sort of ended up how I expected, with just a few scenes cut out. I'm pretty happy with the final product even though it's choppy and hard to follow unless you have seen Dirty Dancing a million times like I have. 

The hardest part was finding a day when I could use all of my actors at once and really get down to business. 

I would say editing was the easiest part of this whole deal. I used iMovie on my iPad to put all of my clips together. Very user friendly.

Overall this was kinda fun. Very stressful, but sorta in a way fun.

-till next time

Microsoft Excel

Can I just start by saying, Microsoft excel assignments are SOOOO BORING!!! My experience was fine but I just would rather not do excel all day every day for the rest of my life. I think I will use excel when I'm an adult to keep track of my money and such. The fact that the program has all of the equations automatically in it, is very helpful and makes everything that much more easy. It is also good for mortgages and working percents into the mix.
I mean it was boring, but at least I know how to budget myself now.

-till next time